British Science Week 2019 – Journey’s Workshop School Feedback

The MNScience Professor very entertaining, informal and positive with the children. All the children had a great experience and one comment I heard as they were leaving the school at the end of the day was “that was the best day ever!” As you had said, there was a time constraint but we managed to get everyone’s cars made. It had helped that I had passed around the instructions to the teachers and had organised plenty of teaching assistants to be on hand during the workshops so that there was plenty of help for the children to make the cars (particularly helpful to have some of the teaching assistants following the classes so doing the sessions over again and being able to help further and clear up and set up with the professor). The jumping frogs were easier and perfectly appropriate for the younger ages. The professor remained cheerful throughout!

Pupil Premium Funding and Mother Nature Science

Pupil Premium Funding and Mother Nature Science

Introduced in 2011, the pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children.

This is based on research showing that children from low income families perform less well at school than their peers. Often, children who are entitled to pupil premium face challenges such as poor language and communication skills, lack of confidence and issues with attendance and punctuality. The pupil premium is intended to directly benefit the children who are eligible, helping to narrow the gap between them and their classmates.

Headteacher Interview – The Mother Nature Science – After School Science Club

Q: Hi Lynne, can you believe the club has been running now for eight years, after such a long period of time why did you (the school) not take a break and why you think parents have continually kept enrolling their children term after term?

A: The school was extremely happy to continue working with Mother Nature Science as we always found them to be both personable and professional – always taking the needs of the children into account as well as respecting the ethos and expectations of the parents and school.

British Science Week 2019 – Mother Nature Science Workshops

Each year for British Science Week, Mother Nature Science visit Primary Schools presenting our fun, hands-on and enquiry based In-School Science Day Workshops, for years Reception to Year 6.

We take all the hassle and stress out of organising science week workshops for teachers – and make it an unforgettable science-week experience to remember for pupils.

Exciting news for 2019, we are delighted to confirm that the new topic for British Science and Engineering Week, March 2019 is Journeys and the official dates run from 08-17 March 2019 – which are already starting to fill up, don’t miss out

Daily Mail Mother Nature Science Franchise

HOW can we make children excited about science? Start them early, says Jennifer Chung, who runs hands-on science sessions for children aged five to 12 in South London.

Jennifer, a former management accountant turned franchisee with Mother Nature Science, says: ‘The key to engendering enthusiasm for science is letting children build experiments for themselves.

Mother Nature Science Franchisee Interview Sharen Sia Hertfordshire

“The Path to Inspire Children in Science”
Name: Sharen Sia
Location: Hertfordshire
1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what you were doing prior to buying a franchise business?
Prior to this, I was dealing in Medical Science Technologies for the last decade; from pharmaceuticals to medical imaging industries I saw the ever-changing medical advancement in improving life expectancy.

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