COVID-19 Safe Policy for a School Setting

MNS COVID-Safe Policy for a School & Holiday Camp Setting

We are Mother Nature Educational Services Ltd T/A ‘Mother Nature Science’ and this policy gives detailed safety information as to the UK Government released Guidance / Protective measures for holiday or after-school clubs and other out-of-school settings for children during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

This COVID Safe Policy covers the Government guidelines and a thorough internal risk assessment of challenges with implementation of protective measures we have put in place to continue full operation of our children’s activities and services in a school setting.

For our Full MNS COVID Risk Assessment document download – Click Here

1> Movement of Persons Around the Setting

Entrance and exit to childcare setting causing people to congregate compromising social distancing.
• Check school Science Club COVID protocols during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• MNS Staff to follow school protocols.
• Inform parents of new after school club collection procedure.
• Discourage parents from gathering together encourage them to follow the schools’ social distancing procedures to minimise the adult to adult contact.
• Use a non-contact signing out form with passwords.
Overcrowding in classrooms & corridors
• Keep to small groups (a bubble), with no more than 15 children per small group.
• Implement a seating plan at the start of term, taking into account the existing school bubble groups.
• Activities / tables to be spaced as far apart as possible, do not move the school tables or signage.
• Reduce movement around the classroom, where possible keep all activities desk-based.
Spread of virus due to increased numbers of people within the building.
• Only 1 MNS Staff per Science Club. Restrict group sizes so assistants are not needed. Keep the same MNS Staff for the whole term.
Inadequate social distancing measures leading to spread of the virus
• Always keep bubble groups together where possible – in same small groups of maximum 15 children.
• Seat each bubble group in a different area of the classroom and minimise contact between bubbles.
Group work leading to inadequate social distancing measures
• Adapt session plans so they do not require close group work.
Changes to building use being safe for pupils & staff – e.g. storage, one-way systems, floor tape.
• Check school Science Club COVID protocols during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• MNS Staff to make themselves aware of school specific measures that have been taken (e.g. handwashing, one-way systems, allocation of specific areas).
Classroom set-up
• Consider how the layout will enable access to toilet facilities, outdoor space and the equipment necessary for each bubble group. Consider how changes will impact on arrangements such as safe fire evacuation routes.
Fire Procedures
• Do not move the tables and chairs, they will have been placed with COVID safety in mind.
Using and monitoring new practices to reduce risk of Covid-19 transmission
• Training of all MNS Staffs prior to start of term – to include contents of this RA, awareness of each school having possible alternative layouts and any changes to fire evacuation routes, use of PPE, cleaning arrangements, location of designated room for suspected cases.
• Ensure there are opportunities for all employees to raise concerns / make suggestions.
Staff rooms and offices to comply with social distancing and safe working practice
• If the school allows the use of the staff room MNS Staff to follow the school protocol and keep to social distancing.
• Follow the school protocol for signing in at reception.
Ventilation to reduce spread
• Open classroom windows and prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety, security and safeguarding). Where mechanical ventilation is present, recirculatory systems should be adjusted to full fresh air. If mechanical ventilation systems cannot be adjusted to full fresh air these should be switched off.
Management of waste
• Use covered bins for disposal of used tissues.

2> Premises Related Matters

Changes to building use being safe for pupils & staff – e.g. storage, one-way systems, floor tape.
• Check school Science Club COVID protocols during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• MNS Staff to make themselves aware of school specific measures that have been taken (e.g. handwashing, one-way systems, allocation of specific areas).
• Consider how the layout will enable access to toilet facilities, outdoor space and the equipment necessary for each bubble group. Consider how changes will impact on arrangements such as safe fire evacuation routes.
Classroom set-up
• Do not move the tables and chairs, they will have been placed with COVID safety in mind.
Fire Procedures
• Check with the school the fire procedures taking into consideration any changes made to the layout, and the impact this may have on fire evacuation and escape routes. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• MNS Staff to check most up to date procedures on arrival at the school and review fire evacuation routes and assembly points to ensure that social distancing guidelines are followed.
Using and monitoring new practices to reduce risk of Covid-19 transmission
• Training of all MNS Staffs prior to start of term – to include contents of this RA, awareness of each school having possible alternative layouts and any changes to fire evacuation routes, use of PPE, cleaning arrangements, location of designated room for suspected cases.
• Ensure there are opportunities for all employees to raise concerns / make suggestions.
Staff rooms and offices to comply with social distancing and safe working practice
• If the school allows the use of the staff room MNS Staff to follow the school protocol and keep to social distancing.
• Follow the school protocol for signing in at reception.
Ventilation to reduce spread
• Open classroom windows and prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety, security and safeguarding). Where mechanical ventilation is present, recirculatory systems should be adjusted to full fresh air. If mechanical ventilation systems cannot be adjusted to full fresh air these should be switched off.
Management of waste
• Use covered bins for disposal of used tissues.

3. Cleaning and Reducing Contamination

Contaminated surfaces spreading virus.
• Check school Science Club COVID cleaning protocols for before and after the club during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• Remove unnecessary items from classroom tables where there is space to store it elsewhere.
Provide cleaning equipment in MNS Staffs kit. Gloves, cleaning spray, disposable cloths and paper towels.
• Minimise equipment in kit to make cleaning regimes easier, consider not using equipment that is difficult to sanitise.
• Follow government cleaning guidance if a someone becomes ill with suspected COVID-19 (See below)
Shared resources and equipment increasing spread
• Check if the school provides each child with their own stationery equipment set. Update school profile.
• Provide enough stationery equipment in kit for one per child to prevent the sharing of stationery and other equipment where possible.
• Equipment to be cleaned by MNS Staff after each use.
Using equipment – multiple-use
• Ensure all equipment is appropriately cleaned between bubbles of children and after each session.
Sufficient handwashing facilities for staff and children.
• Check school Science Club COVID handwashing protocols for before and after the club during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• Children to wash their hands before the start of the club.
• Where a sink is not nearby, provide supervised access to hand sanitiser at the start and during the Science Club.
Additional time for staff and children to carry out handwashing
• Allow 5 minutes at the start of Science Club for children to wash their hands – ensure social distancing by limiting the number of children at one time.
Sufficient supplies of soap and cleaning products
• MNS Staffs to be supplied with hand sanitiser, cleaning spray, paper towel, disposable cleaning cloths, disposable gloves, disposable fluid-resistant face masks, disposable aprons, reusable face shield, rubbish bags.
Toilets being overcrowded
• Check school Science Club COVID toilet protocols during Science Club booking. Information to be added to individual School Profiles.
• In the absence of a school protocol, limit the number of children who use the toilet facilities at one time. Visiting the toilet one after the other if necessary. Where possible different toilets should be used by each bubble group. Toilets should be cleaned after each use.

4. Staff Related Issues

Anxiety levels of staff and community causing breakdown in staffing ratios, compromising group sizes.
• Talk to staff about (or where not possible put in writing) the plans (for example, safety measures, timetable changes, extra training and school liaison), including discussing whether training would be helpful. If appropriate, seek GP or occupational health advice.
Staff understanding of new changes – safe practice at the setting.
• Talk to and involve staff with the planning during Science Club training.
Conditions for use of fluid-resistant face mask and other PPE equipment when dealing with a symptomatic child are clear and understood by staff.
• If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell, they must be sent home and advised to follow the Stay at home: guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. They should self-isolate for at least 7 days and arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19.) Other members of their household must self-isolate for 14 days from when the initial household member first had symptoms.
• If a child, becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in the setting and needs direct personal care until they can return home, a disposable fluid-resistant face mask should be worn by the supervising adult if a distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained.
• If close contact with the child or young person is necessary, then gloves, an apron and a disposable fluid-resistant face mask should be worn by the supervising adult. If a risk assessment determines that there is a risk of splashing to the eyes, for example from coughing, spitting, or vomiting, then eye protection should also be worn.
• Ensure that disposable fluid-resistant face masks are available and a supply is maintained.
Use of PPE / Lack of understanding
• Adequate training / briefing on use and safe disposal of PPE
• Follow guidance on putting on and taking off standard PPE COVID 19 personal protective-equipment use for non-aerosol generating procedures and above guidance on use in education settings
Dealing with suspected and confirmed cases
• Follow government guidance on what happens if someone becomes ill and what happens if there is a confirmed case of coronavirus.
• If anyone becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell, they must be sent home and advised to follow the Stay at Home guidance for households with possible or confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.
• They should self-isolate for at least 7 days and arrange to have a test to see if they have coronavirus (COVID-19.) Other members of their household must self-isolate for 14 days from when the initial household member first had symptoms.
• Contact Mother Nature Science Head Office so they can ensure proper follow-up with the parent and school is maintained.
• Ensure accurate records of staff and pupils are maintained to enable public health contact tracking and test regimes.
Dealing with cleaning after suspected and confirmed cases
• Contact the school office to inform them and arrange specialist cleaning of the area.
• To dispose of waste from people with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), such as disposable cleaning cloths, tissues and PPE:
• put it in a plastic rubbish bag and tie it when full
• place the plastic bag in a second labelled bin bag and tie it
• put it in a suitable and secure place marked for storage for 72 hours
• This waste should be stored safely and securely kept away from children. You should not put your waste in communal waste areas until the waste has been stored for at least 72 hours

5. Child Related Issues

Children unable to follow guidance
• Some children will need additional support to follow these measures.
Member of a bubble group becoming unwell with COVID-19
• Check the school procedure for an ill child with suspected COVID.
• Take the temperature of the child with a disposable thermometer.
• Lack of high temperature is not an accurate sign of non-COVID infection.
If a child becomes unwell during an Science Club with symptoms of COVID-19 (a new, continuous cough or a high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell) immediately contact the parent to collect the child.
• If a child is awaiting collection, if possible, move them to an area where they can be isolated behind a closed door, depending on the age of the child and with appropriate adult supervision. (Follow individual school procedures). Ideally, a window should be opened for ventilation. If it is not possible to isolate them, move them to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people.
• If the MNS Staff has to approach the child closer than 2M they should wear a disposable fluid-resistant face mask, disposable apron, disposable gloves. If they feel there is a risk of droplet contamination i.e. from coughing, sneezing, spitting or vomiting they should wear a face shield.

6. Communication with Parents and Others

Parents, contractors and other staff entering or working in the setting.
• Tell parents, carers or any visitors, such as suppliers, not to enter the childcare setting if they are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus.
Communications to parents and staff
• Regular communications, update emergency contact details for all children.
Parent aggression due to anxiety and stress.
• Tell parents their allocated drop off and collection times and the process for doing so, including protocols for minimising adult to adult contact (for example, which entrance to use, use of password instead of signing) to reduce anxiety.

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