Saint Christina’s School

Saint Christina’s School

Holiday Science Activity Camp Partner

25 St Edmund’s Terrace, Westminster, NW8 7PY

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About this School

“‘We share and care and forgive for that is how Christ teaches us to live’
At Saint Christina’s School, children enjoy the excitement of becoming independent learners, feel safe and happy.

We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in all areas, always recognising the individual needs of each pupil and supporting their full development spiritually, morally, intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially so that they may grow towards the fullness of life promised by Christ.

Each day brings exciting new opportunities to learn and discover at Saint Christina’s School. A warmth and regard for children in our care permeates all aspects of School life.

‘I come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10

In accordance with the religious ethos of our School, we aim:

  • To offer all who come into contact with Saint Christina’s School a welcoming environment which finds its inspiration in Christ and His Gospel whilst recognising and respecting the freedom of individuals to worship God according to the practices of their own religion.
  • To be a School where children enjoy the excitement of becoming independent learners, feel safe and happy and where discrimination of any kind is unacceptable.
  • To encourage and support the spiritual, physical, personal, social, moral and intellectual development of every child by providing a wide and rich range of educational and cultural experiences.
  • To recognise each child’s unique value and gifts, ensuring that children feel appreciated for themselves not just their achievements.
  • To instil in pupils a sense of personal responsibility and self-discipline encouraging them to always try their best.
  • To encourage pupils to recognise that their behaviour has consequences for themselves, their peers and ultimately society.
    To teach pupils to respect and care for other people in the immediate environment [home and School] and the wider world, thus fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect between staff and pupils.
  • To establish close links between home and School keeping parents informed about their child’s progress, School policies and activities.
  • To regularly assess and monitor the progress of each pupil, ensuring that the education provided is appropriate to his/her age and ability thus enabling each child to develop and use their talents and abilities to the full.”
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